
The Royal Arch is organised in a very similar way to the Craft. Units are called Chapters instead of Lodges and operate under Charters, rather than Warrants.

The ruling body of the Royal Arch is known as the Supreme Grand Chapter of England. This is effectively the “parliament” of the Order and rules by means of a Committee of General Purposes. Its powers are similar to those exercised by Grand Lodge. The Royal Arch shares its administration with Grand Lodge and by virtue of its status as part of Pure Antient Masonry it also holds its meetings at Freemasons’ Hall.

Each Province is under the authority of a Provincial Grand Chapter. Provinces are run by a Grand Superintendent who annually appoints a Second and Third Provincial Grand Principal, a Deputy and a team of active Provincial Officers. He is the equivalent of the Provincial Grand Master in the Craft and exercises the same authority over the Order.

Hampshire and the Isle of Wight were originally separate Masonic Provinces when founded in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Upon the formation of their respective Provincial Grand Chapters, each had its own Grand Superintendent. In the nineteenth century, the two Provinces combined to form a single Province and the Provincial Grand Chapter of Hampshire and Isle of Wight came into being.

A list of those distinguished companions who have occupied the office of Grand Superintendent and the dates of their accession are noted in the “Succession of Grand Superintendents” section on this page.

The Province currently comprises 89 Chapters, meeting in 35 different Masonic Centres The total membership at the time of writing is over 3,500.

In the “Chapters” section of this website you will find brief details of when and where each Chapter meets, together with a hyperlink contact to the Chapter’s Scribe E (Secretary) which is accessed by clicking on the Chapter’s number.