At the 2023 Provincial Grand Chapter meeting, a new Provincial Tie was introduced. This tie is not a replacement to the one already in use but as an additional tie, in part to raise funds for the announced support for the Southampton Cancer Immunology Fund this Masonic Year.

The tie can be purchased from the Provincial Office at a cost of £12.50 each.

No doubt the new tie will be seen more and more as stocks of the existing tie run dry. (it could become a collectors item!)

In addition, you might see “ONE” person only wearing this new tie at a CRAFT Lodge.

The “Craft Lodge Royal Arch Representative”, appointed by the Province, is allowed to wear the new tie at a craft meeting, but, importantly, ONLY at his own Lodge where he is the Royal Arch Representative, so you will only ever see ONE of these ties being worn at any Craft meeting.

2023 Provincial Tie
2015 Royal Arch Tie THIN SMALL
Existing tie