News from December 2020

Philip Alan Berman, The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent of the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight for  ten years, announced in December 2020 that he would be retiring from the position on 31st January 2021.

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Immediately following which, E. Comp. Colin Upton  became the Deputy Grand Superintendent in Charge until Alan’s successor was installed.

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The Most Excellent First Grand Principal, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, appointed

E. Comp. Stephen Allum as Alan’s successor.

With the difficulty posed by Covid 19, it took a while for a presentation to be made to Alan but this took place at the beginning of October 2021

Dear Companions

You may recall prior to Covid transforming our Masonry, back in January 2021 the then ME Grand Superintendent E Comp Alan Berman, announced his retirement, and as a direct result many Chapters, Individual Companions and the Provincial Executive rallied round my request for donations to mark Alans 10 years in Office.

Covid came and trying to arrange a farewell lunch in celebration was proving difficult.  I am now pleased to say that eventually, a small number of the Provincial Cabinet and past members of the executive were able to meet at Kings Court Masonic Centre to enjoy the occasion and Lunch.

The Past ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp Roger Jago and his wife Sue were also able to attend and E Comp Stephen Allum the present Grand Superintendent gave a short all be it belated farewell speech and  presented Alan with a Cheque for £6,410, a magnificent sum I am sure you will all agree.  Mrs Berman was presented with a lovely bunch of flowers.

Companions, may I thank all of you for your support to E Comp Alan.

Fraternal regards

E Comp Colin Upton – Deputy Grand Superintendent